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We couldn't do what we do with out the support of local businesses, the NHS, individual fundraisers and everyone else who donated funds, equipment and skills to help keep us on the road each and every day. 

"One of my favourite things about my role as the Events Coordinator is the continual support, love and friendship that our charity receives from the public and local companies. Many of our members give up their Saturday or Sunday to raise awareness of our work in an effort to promote our services and recruit new volunteers and we couldn't do it without true passion and dedication from everyone throughout Warwickshire and Coventry. "


Rider 333

Favourite Bike: Kawasaki Versys

Phil M


Pastries - $4

Butter Croissant - $2.5

Coffee/Tea - $1

Fresh Juice - $2

New Breakfast Menu

Pastries - $4

Butter Croissant - $2.5

Coffee/Tea - $1

Fresh Juice - $2

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